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Jaroslav Mitušina

Number of photos: 15
Mappings count: 8
Member since: 7.12.2022

Contact Jaroslav Mitušina

FP Score is higher than 90% of members

Contact Jaroslav Mitušina

StatsPests picturesMapping of contributor

Forest Pests Score
FP score
Compared to all ForestPests members
Jaroslav Mitušina ForestPests Score is higher than 97.12 % of ForestPests members

The share of your activities in your overall ForestPests Score (FP) on the portal www.forestpests.eu. Statistics are automatically updated once a day.

Number of photos
Compared to all ForestPests members
Jaroslav Mitušina ForestPests Score is higher than 96.9 % of ForestPests members

Photo rating
Compared to all ForestPests members
Jaroslav Mitušina ForestPests Score is higher than 0 % of ForestPests members

Number of species in the photos
Compared to all ForestPests members
Jaroslav Mitušina ForestPests Score is higher than 0 % of ForestPests members

Activity of user Jaroslav Mitušina: Number of photos by years
Number of queries
Compared to all ForestPests members
Jaroslav Mitušina ForestPests Score is higher than 97.35 % of ForestPests members

Number of mapped species
Compared to all ForestPests members
Jaroslav Mitušina ForestPests Score is higher than 98.82 % of ForestPests members

Activity of user Jaroslav Mitušina: Number of queries by years

This page is updated once a week.

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