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Agrilus sulcicollis

European oak borer


A metallic shiny blue beetle, about 6.0-8.5 mm long. The beetles commonly live on oak leaves in May-July. They also commonly fly onto log dumps. The larvae develop in thicker branches of languishing oaks in warmer localities. They eat out serpentine galleries under the bark. The full development takes 2 years, but the length of the larval development is strongly influenced by the environmental conditions (sun exposure, bark thickness, etc.). Recently was accidentally introduced to North-America. Its mass attack can cause branch dieback. This species - together with other Agrilus species - is considered as potential vector of oak tracheomycosis caused by Ceratocystis fungi. It can be found along with the related species A. biguttatus. The tree crowns of attacked oaks open up, epicormic shoots can occur. The trees die in groups.


Galleries unrder the bark. Exit holes in D-shale. The larvae develop in thicker branches of languishing oaks in warmer localities. They excavate serpentine galleries under the bark. The tree crowns of attacked oaks open up, epicormic shoots can occur. 

Tree Species: Oak

Part of a plant- attacked: Leaf / Needle, Branch

Pest significance: Harmful

Pest Category: Insects

Invasive Species: No

Present in EU: Yes

Seasonal frequency of occurrence

Seasonal frequency of occurrence

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