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Amphimallon solstitiale

Summer chafer


Summer chafer is a beetle similar to the cockchafer but much smaller, approximately 14 – 20 mm in length. In some years and on certain localities they are often seen in large numbers. Adults feed on leaves of a host plants. At dusk adults actively fly around tree tops looking for a mate. They are also attracted to light. Adults are active from June to August. Female lay eggs in to the soil and larvae feed on roots of different plants -  typically herbaceous grasses and they occasionally damage turf and may be pests of various other plants. Generally, Amphimallon solstitiale occurs in small numbers and damage is slight compared with that occasionally caused by the cockchafer. It may become occasional serious agricultural or horticultural pest.


Ocher brown small chafer sitting on tree leaves. Active at dusk in summer. Whitish larvae on plant roots. Damage to leaves and roots.

Tree Species: Beech, Cherry, Oak, Apple Tree, Maple

Part of a plant- attacked: Roots, Leaf / Needle

Pest significance: Less harmful

Pest Category: Insects

Invasive Species: No

Present in EU: Yes

Seasonal frequency of occurrence

Seasonal frequency of occurrence

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