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Anthaxia quadripunctat​a

Metallic wood-boring beetle


On spruce branches and stems about 10 cm thick larval galleries of this species are rather commonly found. The beetle attacks thinner stems and branches of conifers, especially spruce and pine. The larvae bore feeding galleries extend to sapwood, widen gradually and bend in a meandering pattern. A severe outbreak normally doesn’t occur and only declining trees (damaged by sunburn, drought, fire, etc.) are attacked. The pest may also invade sun-exposed felled logs with bark still unremoved. Exceptionally it may act as a primary pest in juvenile spruce plantations aged 10 minus. Similar damage is caused by A. godeti or A. nigrojubata.


The larvae bore feeding galleries extend to sapwood, widen gradually and bend in a meandering pattern. A D-shape exit holes.

Tree Species: Pine, Spruce

Part of a plant- attacked: Tree trunk, Branch

Pest significance: Less harmful

Pest Category: Insects

Invasive Species: No

Present in EU: Yes

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