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Armillaria gallica

Bulbous honey fungus


The hat is 2-6 cm wide, convex with a flat lid, sticky or dry, light brown to yellow-brown, usually with yellow capillaries on the surface. The depth is 5-10 cm long, with a yellowish color, thick under the hat, but on the base onion-thickened (due to sufficient space), which is not so pronounced in other rootstocks. The ring is cobwebby and short-lasting, white with a yellowish zone. Fruits form on the ground or near the roots of deciduous trees, they grow rather independently, or in loose clumps. The fungus is a saprophyte or a very weak parasite.


White coatings and brown twine-shaped formations under the bark, in autumn the presence of fruiting bodies on the roots, trunks and stems.

Tree Species: Beech, Oak, Lime, Poplar

Part of a plant- attacked: Tree trunk

Pest significance: Less harmful

Pest Category: Fungi

Invasive Species: No

Present in EU: Yes

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