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Armillaria ostoyae

Dark honey fungus


Dark honey fungus is one of the most significant pathogens of the root system of the conifers from seedlings up to mature trees. It causes intense, rapidly spreading white rot of roots and trunk sapwood. Syrrocium causes quick death of cambium. An indication of sudden tree death may be withering and dying off of just flushed shoots (similarly to frost damage of shoots) as well as the entire tree within several weeks of infection. The fruiting bodies occur at the end of the season. It also survives as a saprophyte; however, it only rarely colonizes fallen trees.


White coatings and rope-like formations under the bark, swelling (bottle-shaped) of the trunk, in autumn the presence of fruiting bodies at the roots, trunk and stems.

Tree Species: Pine, Fir, Spruce, Larch

Part of a plant- attacked: Tree trunk

Pest significance: Very harmful

Pest Category: Fungi

Invasive Species: No

Present in EU: Yes

Seasonal frequency of occurrence

Seasonal frequency of occurrence

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