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Climacocystis borealis

Climacocystis borealis


The prominent fruiting bodies are the key sign of tree infection. Of yellowish to white, bracket-shaped and tapering at the base into a stem, they usually grow in large colonies (10 to 50 pieces) in overlapping shelves. The upper surface is velvety, while the underside consists of tubes. The pores are white and round, later labyrinth-twisted and fragmented. The fruiting bodies are annual, growing in; summer on root butts and stumps, in autumn they decompose. The mycelium causes a severe white wood rot, breaking the wood in angular detritus. Brown-yellow mycelium stripes separate the healthy and the infested wood. White mycelium residue is found in the decaying detritus (marble rot).


The main symptoms are fruiting bodies, from yellowish to white, cantilevered and tapering from base to stem, they usually grow in large colonies.

Tree Species: Fir, Spruce

Part of a plant- attacked: Tree trunk

Pest significance: Harmful

Pest Category: Fungi

Invasive Species: No

Present in EU: Yes

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