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Deporaus betulae

Birch leaf-roller


This little beetle, about 3-5 mm long, rolls up the leaf blade border. It can be locally found also on maples where it rolls up the leaf blade border into a funnel shape. Making this \'object´, the female lays 1-5 eggs on the leaf. In one \'funnel\' usually lives only one larva (the rest of them die or become food for the strongest one). Rolling up of leaves usually begins in June. In autumn, leaves fall down on forest litter, the larva comes out of them and it pupates in the soil. Adults hatch out in spring.   


This little beetle, about 3-5 mm long, rolls up the leaf blade border. 

Tree Species: Birch, Hornbeam, Maple, Alder

Part of a plant- attacked: Leaf / Needle

Pest significance: Less harmful

Pest Category: Insects

Invasive Species: No

Present in EU: Yes

Seasonal frequency of occurrence

Seasonal frequency of occurrence

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