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Ganoderma lipsiense

Ganoderma lipsiense


The fruiting bodies are permanent, concentrated on the surface, wavy, irregularly bumpy, smooth, light gray to brown when young, later dark and a thin brown bark is formed. Older fruiting bodies are usually  covered with cinnamon brown dust from falling spores. The edge where the fruiting body grows every ear is white, at first blunt, later sharp. The pores on the underside are small, behind the young white, later rusty brown. The determinants of the flat crustacean also include the flies of the fly Agathomyia wankowiczi Schnabl, arises from the hymen of fruiting bodies that are conical 5-12 mm long and 3-8 mm wide. Fly leaves the hall through a hole in the middle of the hall. The result of the fungus is a white marbled rot of wood roots and root infestations of living and dead deciduous trees. Interestingly, the underside of the fruiting body is dark brown after injury, while there is no intense color range and thus sharp objects can be used to draw on the surface.


Fruiting bodies are covered with cinnamon brown dust from falling spores.

Tree Species: Elm, Beech, Cherry, Oak, Maple, Lime, Poplar

Part of a plant- attacked: Tree trunk, Roots

Pest significance: Harmful

Pest Category: Fungi

Invasive Species: No

Present in EU: Yes

Seasonal frequency of occurrence

Seasonal frequency of occurrence

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