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Lamprodila festiva

Cypress jewel beetle


This species is also known under the name Lamprodila festiva or Ovalisia festiva or Lampra festiva. The cypress jewel beetle is a thermophilic species with Mediterranean distribution. It is common in the south, rare in the middle (still more and more common in recent years), and absent from the north of Europe. Size is 12–13 mm, dorsal surface metallic green, the elytra with blackish-blue spots. Galleries are bored by the larvae, at first only in the bark then within the sapwood. Pupates in the wood. Exit holes with typical D-shape. Repeated attacks cause a progressive dieback of the tree. It is common in gardens and forest steppes.


Three dieback. Galleries under the bark. There are typical, D-shape exit holes on the tree trunk. Under the bark, there are galleries filled with sawdust, larvae, or shiny metallic beetles.

Tree Species: Juniper, Thuja

Part of a plant- attacked: Tree trunk, Branch

Pest significance: Very harmful

Pest Category: Insects

Invasive Species: No

Present in EU: Yes

Seasonal frequency of occurrence

Seasonal frequency of occurrence

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