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Mindarus abietinus

Fir twig aphid


When attacked, shoots of the year show clusters of curled needles and some growth reduction. The needles may be twisted to the top of the shoot. The sucking aphid colony is often covered by whitish wax material. A single insect is up to 2 mm long. Honeydew may also occur. Mostly only young trees are affected, but there is no real damage except for on Christmas tree plantations where trees may lose some ornamental value. The aphids overwinter as eggs on twigs. In spring, stem mothers develop and produce larvae that feed on the new shoots. Resulting winged adults migrate to other fir trees. As early as June, new eggs are laid that diapause until the following spring.


At the beginning of May, fundatrix in the first or second stage appear between the needles.

Tree Species: Fir

Part of a plant- attacked: Leaf / Needle

Pest significance: Harmful

Pest Category: Insects

Invasive Species: No

Present in EU: Yes

Seasonal frequency of occurrence

Seasonal frequency of occurrence

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