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Oligoporus ptychogaster

Fungus Oligoporus ptychogaster


The asexual stage of the Ptychogaster albus creates knob- or pillow-shaped fruiting bodies, 4 cm across, soft, thickly pelted, first white, then aging to pink and brownish colour, sometimes exuding water drops. In old age the fungus disintegrates to brown powder (chlamydospores) like a puffball. Under favourable conditions the fungus develops tubbed sexual fruiting bodies. These may be resupinate or pileate and grow from July till November. The cap is 1–4 cm across; shaped as an irregular semicircle, fleshy soft when young, covered with pressed pelt, white. The pores are white; later turning creamy. The mycelium is a causal agent of brown rot.


The fruiting bodies are spilled to hat-shaped, irregularly semicircular, freshly fleshy, covered with pressed hairs, white.

Tree Species: Spruce

Part of a plant- attacked: Tree trunk

Pest significance: Harmful

Pest Category: Fungi

Present in EU: Yes

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