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Phragmidium mucronatum

Rose rust


In spring and summer bright orange pustules appear on the leafstalks, branches, leaf underside and any remaining hips. P. mucronatum occurs on different species of the genus Rosa. Most modern rose cultivars have a alevel of resistance to rust, but older varieties can be more susceptible. It usually overwinters in the form of teliospores associated with fallen leaves, rarely as mycelium in infected stems of its plant host. In spring, teliospores germinate to form basidiospores, being the source of the primary infection, resulting in the formation of spermogonia with receptive hyphae on the upper leaf surface and aecial initials on the under leaf side.


In spring and summer bright orange pustules appear on the leafstalks, branches, leaf underside and any remaining hips.

Tree Species: Rose

Part of a plant- attacked: Leaf / Needle, Branch

Pest significance: Harmful

Pest Category: Fungi

Invasive Species: No

Present in EU: Yes

Seasonal frequency of occurrence

Seasonal frequency of occurrence

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