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Phyllobius, Polydrusus

Phyllobius and Polydrusus weevils


The beetle of the genus Phyllobius and Polydrusus is a type of weevil commonly found in various regions. Tehre are many very similar species. They are known to cause damages to the leaves of their host trees. Phyllobius and Polydrusus beetles primarily feed on deciduous trees, including oak (Quercus spp.), birch (Betula spp.), and willow (Salix spp.) species. But they can feed also on many other host trees. These beetles consume leaf tissue, resulting in irregularly shaped holes, notches, or skeletonization of the leaves. The extent of damage caused by Phyllobius and Polydrusus beetles can vary depending on the population size and the health of the host trees. It is important to monitor and manage these beetles to protect the overall health and vitality of affected trees.


Tiny, often shiny beetles present on the leaves. Traces of feeding, mostly at the edges of the leaves. Irregularly shaped holes, notches, or skeletonization of the leaves.

Tree Species: Birch, Beech, Oak, Apple Tree, Alder, Poplar, Willow

Part of a plant- attacked: Leaf / Needle

Pest Category: Insects

Invasive Species: No

Present in EU: Yes

Seasonal frequency of occurrence

Seasonal frequency of occurrence

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