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Pleurotus pulmonarius

Pale oyster


The pileus has a diameter of 60-250 mm, first almost semi-globular, later vaulted to almost flatly spread out, grey, greyish brown to brown, smooth, naked, folded on the edge when young. Gills are 6-12 mm wide, thick, white to greyish, deeply converging onto the stem. The stem is out-of-centre or lateral, 10-30 mm long and 10-40 mm thick, white or greyish, almost all covered with converging gills, hairy on the base. The fruiting bodies occur almost always in plentiful clusters from summer to winter. The mycelium causes white rot. 


The fruiting bodies grow in groups on stems and dead wood.

Tree Species: Beech, Oak, Poplar, Willow

Part of a plant- attacked: Tree trunk

Pest significance: Harmful

Pest Category: Fungi

Invasive Species: No

Present in EU: Yes

Seasonal frequency of occurrence

Seasonal frequency of occurrence

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