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Venturia tremulae

Shoot dieback


The first symptoms of the infection are black spots on leaves. In the course of spring and summer, the spots increase and join together, they cover the entire leaf and it wilts. Also infection of shoots develops similarly, they also wilt and bend. The infection appears in spring and its source are the infected shed leaves from the previous vegetation period  which overwinter on the ground under trees. During very wet spring, on the infected parts of leaves can appear an olive green exsudate containing fungus spores. Development and spreading of the spores is supported by cold and wet spring. Spreading of the disease slows down in warm and dry summer months.


Dried ends of branches. Black color. 

Tree Species: Poplar

Part of a plant- attacked: Leaf / Needle, Branch

Pest significance: Harmful

Pest Category: Fungi

Invasive Species: No

Present in EU: Yes

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