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Pyrrhidium sanguineum

Long-horned beetle Pyrrhidium sanguineum


This species is characterized by its flat body shape and red color. Body size is mostly 8 to 12 mm. It is a very common species of deciduous forests. In the spring it appears very soon, already at the end of March. It is a polyphagous species, but prefers oaks. The larva lives under the bark and after maturing it makes cocoon in the wood. It is univoltine species, one (in souther areas two) generation per year


Very striking, easy to identify, red adult runs on fallen or catted oak trees in early spring. The light yellow larva excavates under the bark the corridor, first under the bark, later on shallow in the wood. Oval-shaped exit hole.

Tree Species: Elm, Beech, Oak, Hornbeam

Part of a plant- attacked: Tree trunk, Branch

Pest significance: Less harmful

Pest Category: Insects

Invasive Species: No

Present in EU: Yes

Seasonal frequency of occurrence

Seasonal frequency of occurrence

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