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Upload your photos to the system!

Please upload your photos to the system to help others identify tree and shrub pests in Europe more easily and quickly. Together, we can create a high-quality photo database.

We have established an open picture database where you can easily upload pictures at https://www.forestpests.eu/add-pictures. To add new pictures, you will need to log in. If you do not have an account, please register first.

You do not need to modify your pictures before uploading. They will be automatically resized to 1900 pixels in width and about 120-250 MB in size.

Once uploaded, you remain the owner of the picture and can use it in any way, including selling or modifying it. By uploading the picture to the database, you allow other users to download it for free at available resolution (1900 x actual high px) for educational purposes. However, they must credit you as the owner of the photo (for example, "Photo: Your Name, Forestpests.eu").

For commercial use or use of the photo in a higher resolution, users must contact the picture owner and agree to the terms of cooperation.

The photogallery is searchable by author name, pest species, and more.

Please only upload your own pictures.

Thank you for your contribution to this project!

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