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Sphinx pinastri

Pine hawk-moth


The pine hawk-moth is often observed in coniferous forests; however it cause only sporadically damage of economic importance. This species rather accompanies other pine defoliators. Flight period is in May-July (depending on the region). Moths usually fly in late evening. They feed on a nectar of different flowers. Moths mate on tree trunks and in crowns. Females lay 100-500 eggs individually or in groups on needles and twigs. Caterpillars hatch about 14 days after oviposition. The needles damaged by the first and second instar caterpillars have a saw shape. Old caterpillars (3rdthrough 5th instar) consume whole needles. In October caterpillars descent to the forest litter and pupate in pupal chambers, where pupae overwinter. A pupal stage can last 7 months up to 2 years.


Old caterpillars (3rdthrough 5th instar) consume whole needles. The caterpillars are green with a series of lighter bands on the sides and a reddish-brown thorn on the last link of the buttocks. 

Tree Species: Pine

Part of a plant- attacked: Leaf / Needle

Pest significance: Less harmful

Pest Category: Insects

Invasive Species: No

Present in EU: Yes

Seasonal frequency of occurrence

Seasonal frequency of occurrence

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