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Phytophthora alni

Root disease of alder
Phytophthora alni (Petri) Buisman (1927)

Species description:


The genus Phytophthora according to the current systematic classification, belongs to the kingdom Chromista, phylum Oomycota, order Peronosporales, family Peronosporaceae. Thus, they are not fungi in the true sense, but they will be named from a practical and historical point of view in the following text.

It is a microscopic fungus from which only the mycelium is visible to the naked eye, even after cultivation of the sample in a humid chamber. All other morphological structures of the fungus are visible only under a binocular magnifier (magnification 10-25x) or a microscope (magnification 100-400x).

The fungus forms the following morphological structures:

• asexual: sporangia, zoospores, chlamydospores

• sexual: oospores, antheridia, oogonia


Sporangia: are broad-ovate, almost spherical, obpyriform to elliptical with a rounded base. Sporangia are non-papillate and thus belong to group VI. They are formed by growing on the lateral mycelium or at the end of the main mycelium. After releasing zoospores from the sporangium, a new sporangium is formed within the just emptied. Sporangiophores have simple growth, are unbranched, or branching is sympodial. The size of the spore is 40-54x60-75 µm.

Chlamydospores are formed very rarely.

Oospores, oogonia, and antheridia form the sexual structures. The fungus is heterothallic, i.e., two different "genders" named in this text "pairing types A1 and A2". Only when the mycelia of opposite pairing types merge the formation of oospores occurs. Sometimes, type A2 isolates form oogonia even in pure monoculture without the opposite pairing type A1.

The antheridia ♂ are amphigenic, i.e., the connection with the oogonia occurs by overlapping the female ♀ oogonia part with the male ♂ antheridium. The size of the antheridia is 14-32x12-21µm (with an average of 19x16 µm), so they are primarily oval, single-celled, or double-celled.

Oogonia ♀ they are spherical; more than 50% of the surface is covered with balls or bumps. Oogonia form after the mycelium meets the opposite type of mating of the same species of P. alni or another species but of the opposite mating type (e.g., P. cinnamomi or P. cryptogea). The oogonia diameter is 30-58 µm (with an average of 48 µm). The wall thickness of the oogonia is up to 2 µm. In the end, hyphae form.

The oospores are plerotic (i.e., there is no free space between the oospore and the oogonium, the oospore fills the entire oogonium). The diameter of the oospores is 37-44 µm (with an average of 40 µm). The thickness of the oospore wall is up to 3 µm.

The mycelium of the fungus grows at a temperature of 2 to 32 ° C with an optimum of 22 to 24 ° C. The mycelium is coral, sometimes twisted into irregular shapes, with a slight to abundant growth of airy mycelium. Older mycelium can be compartmented! The pure culture sample on the nutrient medium can be star-shaped to monolithic.

It differs from Phytophthora cinnamomi in that P. alni:

• rarely forms slightly pigmented mycelium,

• grape, thin-walled mycelial swelling,

• hardly forms chlamydospores at all,

• oogonia are bumpy to spherical on the surface.


Bionomy - infection cycle


Phytophthora alni is a pathogen whose environment for growth, development, and reproduction is soil, the so-called soil pathogen. The disease in the infected root or trunk develops quickly when the increased soil moisture remains longer, and the temperature does not exceed 30 ° C.




The fungus causes infection of the roots and root necks of various forest and fruit woody plants. However, it is known mainly for the so-called Ink disease of chestnutP. alni infects the chestnut tree at the base of the trunk and the coarser roots. Root and trunk rot can develop both slowly and rapidly. If the fungus circles around the trunk at its base, the whole tree crown withers, and the tree dies within one year. If the infection develops slowly, the symptoms of the infection are a reduction of leaves and fruits size in the first year of infection, and the tree usually dies in the second year after infection. Although the disease is named after the ink exudate from the trunk base, this symptom is rare. The infested roots also secrete this ink exudate, and the soil around such roots is colored. A similar disease is caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi.


Endangered woody plants:


It attacks woody plants of the genus Prunus, Malus, and forest woody plants, e.g., Castanea sativa, Alnus glutinosa, etc.

In Slovakia, its occurrence is known on Castanea sativa; the first finding is from 1972.


Damaged plant parts:


Root (thin roots and primary supporting roots), root neck, and trunk base.


Significance: Very significant


Origin and distribution:


The fungus comes from tropical and subtropical regions, especially from Australia. Climate warming creates suitable conditions for the life of this fungus also in Slovakia, especially in the southern areas, where the winter is mild.


Endangered stands and areas:


Alder stands, in particular, are at risk. The pathogen can be transmitted to the forest from the gardens of family houses in which ornamental woody plants have died (e.g., rhododendrons, etc.) and were carried to the forest as a waste "where they rot". Thus, the first dieback can be observed in woods next to houses and residential areas. Gardens are there intensively maintained - dead plants are replaced with new ones, mainly bought in gardening supplies, where plants are imported from abroad and from regions where the disease is common.




Plant seedlings in the disease-free stand. It is necessary to prepare a functional system (protocol) of plant growing hygiene in the production of seedlings in nurseries and ensure strict compliance.

Choose for planting resistant tree species or their cultivars (if they have been bred).

Keep the soil free of infectious structures. Among the chemical substances, metalaxyl, salts of phosphoric acid (e.g. fosetyl-Al, and the others), or phenylamide show biological (fungicidal and fungistatic) efficiency.

Among biologically active organisms, fungi's antagonistic properties from Trichoderma and Gliocladium genera are effective.

The water used for watering and irrigating the production areas must be disinfected, e.g., chlorine.




Usually, from the stump up to about 2 m in the height of the trunk are searched tar-like stains. These spots usually occur on the tree, showing chlorosis, small leaves, leaves necrosis, and defoliation. Below the bark periderm, there are apparent changes in the color of the tissues. Next, a sample of about 2 cm is taken from the interface to the laboratory to isolate the pathogen. The final determination depends on the microscopic properties of sporangia, zoospores, oogonia, antheridia, and oospores. Genetic analyzes are also used, but usually, the pathogen must be isolated in pure culture, and to start the analysis, it is necessary to have multiple samples collected (due to the economics of the analysis). Trees of all ages can be attacked, from seedlings to centuries-old trees.


Pest control:


Methods of control against chestnut infection include:

• sanitation, which includes maintaining seedlings and soil in nurseries without infectious structures,

• raising forest tree seedlings and trees in well-drained seed-beds and areas,

• if possible, grow resistant trees (Castanea crenata) or resistant cultivars,

• removal of bark from infested trees with subsequent treatment of occurred injuries and soil with copper fungicides, metalaxyl or fosetyl-Al. Copper fungicides slow the rate of infection spread if they are applied in the early stages of the disease. Metalaxyl applied to the soil slows the root and trunk bark necrosis formation. Fosetyl-Al is applied to assimilation organs but has no effect when applied to the soil.


Pest category: Fungi


Found in Slovakia: Yes


Invasive species: Yes


Similar species:


All species of the genus Phytophthora, and also Pythium.


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