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Schizophyllum commune

Split gill


Schyzophyllum means a ‘split gill’, thus the fungus itself is characteristic for longitudinally split gills. Fan-like fruiting bodies are predominantly annual and well adapted to extreme weather conditions with rare rainfall. During the year, they are able to dry out and later on to re-hydrate and regenerate. The fungus is probably the most common one in the world. It grows in all continents except for the Antarctic. The mycelium  causes white fibrous rot of the attacked sapwood.


Fan-shaped fruiting bodies.

Tree Species: Birch, Beech, Oak, Hornbeam, Rowan, Whitebeam, Ash, Maple, Lime, Willow

Part of a plant- attacked: Tree trunk, Branch

Pest significance: Very harmful

Pest Category: Fungi

Present in EU: Yes

Seasonal frequency of occurrence

Seasonal frequency of occurrence

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